Global Warming
I have been giving some thought, not much mind you, but some nevertheless on the subject of global warming. It seems to me after listening to and reading some, that one of the major causes for this global warming is the pollution from motorcars.
Now on the face of it is a simple process to remedy this major cause of global warming by simply stopping the use of the gas guzzling cars currently on the road. This is simply not a practical solution to the issue however.
One of the solutions put forward to help alleviate the problem is to use public transport more, well in the US apart from a couple of major cites there is no public transportation system, it is at best fragmented or adhoc, we have spent our infrastructure money over several generations on more roads to accommodate the ever increasing numbers of cars, not on a cheap, workable and reliable public transport system, we have made some halfhearted attempts in some cites but not near enough to go to change the car usage of the average American driver.
We can not in any way blame the American driver for this system, many if not all have absolutely no alternative to using private transportation, there is no usable public transport available to get to work and back, go shopping or even go to the movies in most American cities.
There have been some suggestions put forward to make more use of hybrid cars, well not many people I know can afford one of those, even if they could get their hands on one.
The real answer is an American Government has to make some tough choices on mandating new car pollution levels and to make those cars more fuel efficient, the new mandates just given to the industry by the Federal Government on those issues are laughable, it seems that the power of the oil and car lobbies along with their money have once again bought an Administration.
If any change is to happen the American people need to make far more noise and let their elected representatives know that they are ready for major change. The current cost of gas at nearly $3 might actually be the spur needed to effect change.
What so you think?
1 comment:
I firmly believe that there is a tipping point, and that sooner rather than later the American People will find that their comfort level has been breached, then they will react.
The only concern I have about that is if the tipping point is really high the reaction could be such as to casue more damage than good.
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