Saturday, April 15, 2006

CROCODILE Hunter Steve Irwin has defended his influential lobbying of the Federal Government to put a halt to crock safaris in the Northern Territory.
The Queensland-based khaki-clad wildlife expert took Environment Minister Ian Campbell on a personal tour of Cape York to observe crocodiles in the wild.

Read Here

I for one have always had a slight chill every time I see Steve Irwin on TV here in the US, he has seemed to me to display the yobbo traits of Australia that most of us living away from Australia have tried to get away from for years. A little like the stereotype some still have of Americans all being Rambo types.

I now have to say that Steve has demonstrated some fine qualities, he has vocally opposed some wild ideas from the idiot Government of the Northern Terrirory to allow big game hunters to come in to shoot some of the giant salt water crocs in the territory.

The fact that they did not prevail in this idiotic scheme is a victory for the enlightened people of Australia, and my hat is off to Steve for using his high profile to assist in this endeavors.

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