Monday, April 24, 2006

Sprint GPS

I came across this article from the ABC online (1) this morning and once again it got me to thinking.

While I can see the valid uses of this technology. The technology is quite amazing. I have some pause in unfettered enthusiastic support for the product. My paranoia quickly ran into overdrive with thoughts of an overenthusiastic government tracking me, or worse my wife keeping tack on me or perhaps my boss wanting to know just what I am up to and just where I am when he is paying me.

Now I know that I am being paranoid here, as the government would not breach my right of privacy with this technology, umm wait on, did they not just install a monitoring office in a phone company, are they not doing this already. I guess the government is doing it so that pipe dream of freedom just bit the dust, but I know my partner would not do it, umm, maybe. My boss I know would, the only thing stopping him is his tightwad attitude, he may do the math and find that it is cheaper just to pay me rather than pay extra to find me.

First, the federal government is requiring new phones to include global positioning system chips to assist police and fire services in finding distressed people who make emergency calls with mobile phones. (2)

Now I am beginning to get really paranoid after reading that quote from that blog, could it possibly be that the government is really planning this to track those it does not like? Or is the government really just trying to improve the quality of the safety net in our society?

CE Petro (3) in that blog raises some very good points among them was the possibility of lawsuits from those being tracked by others trying to hurt them, such as an abusive husband/wife.

The more I think of this the more concerned I get, the potential for abuse is greater, I believe than the benefits.


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