Monday, April 17, 2006

I am in love, with Pod Casts after many years overseas, away from my culture I now have access on a daily basis to the best of the commercial and public broadcasts of my home country. This is invaluable it keeps me in contact with what is happening on a daily basis in Australia. I know what is happening, what people are talking about, what the current issues are. I have a job that enables me to play these Pod Casts all day, in effect in the morning I download my Pod Casts arrange the play lists and have for all intents and purposes my daily radio programs.

There are Pod Casts available for all sorts of tastes, there are Tech programs, cultural and political, as well as the idiotic and the bizarre, no matter what your tastes there is a program for you.

Get with the program check out the new world of Pod Casts, you can even make your own and be a radio star in cyberspace!!

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