Saturday, April 08, 2006

This piece was written a while ago but is worth another look, I think so anyway!!

I live in the good old USA, now for someone that is not born to this land, it can be, and often is, a confusing, frustrating and wonderful place to live.
Americans are a very patriotic nation, and in truth they have a lot to be patriotic about, they love their country and most people can see nothing better than America, it is in fact a wonderful place to live, and I for one love living here.
The people are a mix of all things strange and wonderful with the best and worst of all that you can imagine
One of the first things to strike you on arrival in the US is the number of churches, boy do these people love to go to church, unlike Australia where a mere 3% of the population go to church on a regular basis in the US about 40% of people go to some sort of church on a regular basis, and that brings me to the TV church people, my goodness what a bunch they are, I shall refrain from my usual comments on them but they have to be seen to be believed.
Now at the same time this culture produces some of the most bestial people you could imagine, now that to me is a paradox, how a country as seemingly moral as this one can produce and foster such monsters in its midst. I read a piece in my local paper the other day about a mad man that had killed and eaten a little boy, and then served parts of him up to others, now that is one sick man. Now the thing that struck me is that, even in my local paper this piece was on page five not even a lead piece, now what that tells me about the country I am not sure but it is a worry when the public is that sated with violence that this rates only a small page five piece.
Do not get me wrong now, there is much that I love about this country, for one my car, I drive a Cadillac and love it, I also love that I can in almost every town in the country, breakfast at 3 am, now this might not seem a big deal to you, but as one that works strange hours, often long into the morning this is a real big deal.
This brings me to yet another thing, food, once the newness of the change of country evaporates thee comes a time when the tastes of home are missed with much passion for tastes not had for a long time, now the Outback Streak house just not cut it when it comes to those things unavailable here, such as a chicko roll and real fish and chips, not to mention Tim Tams etc.

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