Thursday, April 27, 2006

Uninspired thoughts

You ever have a time when you are so totally uninspired to fire up the computer to vent you wrath at the void?

Well I have, and for the past two days have been unable to get worked up over anything very much, I did notice two things though that I do have some half hearted thoughts on. Mind you I do not want to go out onto the streets and wave placards or write to my elected representative about either, although I get the feeling I should.

The two issues are a world apart both in geography and topic.

The first is the planning by the Australian Government to introduce a ‘smart card’ this is by default an id card.

I thought quite a while ago that the electorate had decided that the Australian people did not want one, however, all governments are only temporarily bound by the will of the people and all of them have a tendency to want to draw to them more power.

The introduction of a defacto id card is but one way they intend to subdue the compliant population. For the record I think it is a bad idea, I for one do not trust any government enough to responsibly use the power that a national id system would give them.

The other issue is the rising gasoline prices here in the US; I noticed an interesting article this morning suggesting the rising numbers of people brewing their own ethanol at home using old-fashioned stills.

The days of the revenue cops are on the way again. We will soon see a still on every street corner, and I for one don’t think it could be such a bad thing to depose the energy giants a little.

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