Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The broken system

377801_10150419123984609_944760089_nIt is easy in this time to become really negative about the system in the west, with the electoral system becoming  nothing more than an extended entertainment program, bought and presented by the wealthy donors to provide a façade of choice.  There is every now and then however, a glimmer of sanity in the midst  of this non stop parade of idiots posing as potential leaders.  I have been watching the beginning of the process of electing a new President for the United States and there among the crazy people is an old man still on fire with the ideals he had a a young hippy in the sixties.  I think we need to pay attention to Bernie Sanders as he is the only voice making some sense in this whole process.  Not just business as usual with the same old suspects shouting hateful and divisive slogans.  That is what I think for what it is worth.


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