Saturday, June 10, 2006

Censorship and still more Censorship

Congress in it infinite wisdom has just increased the fines for broadcasters that send out on the airwaves indecent material. The fines have increased to around $350,000 an incident.
Now I am heartily sick of these right wing religious nuts taking my freedoms hostage. This is just another cynical example of how this vocal minority of the community is imposing their warped views onto me.
Now although I do not watch a great deal of television it is outrageous how they can dictate to me what is bad for me. Now I have a very well developed opposing thumb that is more than capable of either switching channels or turning off the TV set when I don’t want to watch something, this includes the inadvertent tuning into the moronic ravings of one of those TV evangelist nut jobs.
Now if I can do it why cant they, are they afraid they might accidentally come across something they are told they should not watch and watch it anyway?
Get a life you people.
You are pathetic.
Do your insane church thing and leave me alone, stop forcing your dubious values down my throat.

Swag man on the Web

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